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Wellness Services

Dr. Gloria began her career as a high school science teacher and athletic trainer, affectionately called "Doc" by her student-athletes. Having worked wth elite athletes in nearly every sport offered in Texas schools, she's seen just about every injury that a person can endure. From the repetitive motion strain of a golf swing and bones broken on a soccer field, to football helmets impacting at high speed, she's seen it all.

Fortunately for her patients, that also means she knows how to treat, rehab, and return them to a high level of activity.

Further, when she arrived in Amarillo, she accepted a teaching position at Amarillo College as a professor of Anatomy and Physiology.

She brings that immense wealth of knowledge and working experience to her office for the benefit of her patients. Dr. Gloria is an Amarillo chiropractor and so much more! 

Dr. Gloria Amarillo Chiropractor
Dr. Gloria Amarillo Chiropractor
Dr. Gloria Amarillo Chiropractor
Dr. Gloria Amarillo Chiropractor
Dr. Gloria Amarillo Chiropractor

Cupping Therapy

Dr. Gloria Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Cupping Therapy Pain Relief Amarillo

Cupping therapy increases blood flow to ease muscle tension and promote cell repair, and may also help create new connective tissue and new blood vessels.

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Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Cupping Therapy Pain Relief Amarillo TX Cup Mark

Vibration Plates

Dr. Gloria Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Senior Chiropractic Adjustment and We
Dr. Gloria Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Chiropractic Adjustment and Wellness

Also known as power plates, these are an exercise machine that provide high speed vibrations through your muscles, stimulating them at a high rate. Benefits may include improved balance and muscle strength. Many patients use these after their chiropractic adjustments with Dr. Gloria.

Sports Taping

Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Amarillo Chiropractor Sports Taping.png

Sports tape is placed to take some of the strain off of sore or injured muscles and help them move naturally. The tape is water-resistant and can be worn comfortably under clothing.

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Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Amarillo Chiropractor Sports Taping 2.jpg

Muscle Mobilization

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Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Amarillo Graston Technique Healing.jpg

A treatment for painful muscle restrictions and/or scar tissue where Dr. Gloria will use tools sometimes called "muscle scrapers" to mobilize the affected areas. These treatments are included with a chiropractic adjustment, if deemed necessary by Dr. Gloria.

Supplements and Available Products

Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Amarillo supplements Standard Process

Dr. Gloria recommends and provides supplements from Standard Process, whole food-based supplements that support your body’s systems, rather than simply treating symptoms. If you need a certain supplement that we don't have in stock, we will order it for you.

Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Amarillo essential oils Young Living

Dr. Gloria recommends and provides essential oils from Young Living. Essential oils have many uses, including easing stress, relieving pain from headaches and migraines, getting a better night's sleep, easing nausea, and even repelling insects. If you need an oil we don't have in stock, we will order it for you.

Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Amarillo Relief Cream
Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Amarillo supplements Drucker Labs

Dr. Gloria uses Relief Cream from Corganics, which is a topical pain management cream that provides temporary relief of muscle and joint aches and pains, backaches, arthritis, strains, bruises and sprains. 

Dr. Gloria recommends and provides supplements from DRUCKER LABS, which use a special manufacturing method to help each ingredient retain its maximum nutritional strength and effectiveness. If you need a certain supplement that we don't have in stock, we will order it for you.

Daravida Family Chiropractic and Wellness Amarillo TX

"Let's Get You Adjusted"

6016 SW 33rd
Amarillo, TX 79106
(806) 414-8165
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Just across SW 33rd from Hobby Lobby


please check our Facebook page 
for closing/delayed start info.


By Appointment



9:00 - 1:30  &  3:30 - 6:00



9:00 - 2:00

1st & 3rd Wed. of the month:

9:00 - 2:00  &  4:30 - 6:30



1:00 - 5:00






1st & 3rd Sat. of the month:

9:00 - 11:00

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