Vol. 2, #5

Daravida News - Special Edition for Some Happy News!
Welcome to Daravida's online newsletter! Our goal for this publication is to create a resource for empowering our patients, both current and future, to live their healthiest lives.
Welcome to a special edition of our newsletter: this one is a birth announcement!
Welcome to the family, Osvaldo Antonio!

Osvaldo Antonio Jaimes was born on the afternoon of July 26th. He weighed in at 10 lbs., 2 oz., and was 22" in length. For those of you that played the baby guessing game, the winner will be notified by text message.
Dr. Gloria and "Ozzy" are doing wonderfully well and she sincerely thanks all of you for your prayers and well-wishes, gifts and support. He's off to a great start thanks in large part to the Daravida Family!